Frog Hat Club

The ongoing adventures of a group of new D&D players in their first game

Modelling Sympathetic Compression of Intra-Planar Resonances

The following are fragments of an essay entitled "Modelling Sympathetic Compression of Intra-Planar Resonances", originally collected in The True Historie of Orinanthi The Deceiver: Regarding the Sociopolitical Structure of the Elven Pentopolis With Collected Essays and Commentaries of an Illuminating Nature, by Lorithliani um Eleth, 2293 M.E.

As we have thus shown, a review of the literature reveals a consensus amongst credible sources that the Magon Resonance Theory – that expression of Will on the physical planes, viz., those groups of phenomena reductively and extemporaneously collected by some under the generic term magic, can be said to operate at least in part via the intentional construction and release of sympathetic vibrations between otherwise discrete components of materia across the spectra of observable reality – provides a working model of the investigation of directed magonic phenomena with in a single plane. But little work has been done to examine the question of how the experimental data from the emerging study of Intra-Planar Dynamics might be resolved with the Magon Resonance Theory. This paper describes a new approach to intra-planar frequency modelling that includes and resolves inter-planar magonic resonance, and shows how experimental application of this approach correctly predicts the existe…

…compression wave in the positive dimension. Thus where intra-planar coherence c is <= 0.3z, a sympathy stabilized across two or more axes for a period satisfying f(p) = t/c^2k-1, where k > 0 will cause compression on the remaining axes as c approaches 0.

The implications of this model should be immediately obvious: magons that resist stabilization and are ejected as radicals will tend to resonate in localized sympathies that over time will coalesce into physical phenomena, a sort of residual accretion of magonic crystalline structures. Moreover, sustained periods of high-energy exchanges in a localized field will accelerate mass magonic ejection, creating a resonance loop that will resu…

…postulates several areas for additional study, including the possible practical application of residual magonic crystals in fields such as Necromancy and Transmutation. That said such research would certainly require additional oversight fro…

…energy exchange unbounded by inter-planar limitations. The resulting interactions as described by intra-planar dynamics would be catastrophic, damaging the local field of multiple planes. For this reason it would be unwise to seek broader publication until it can be guaranteed that th…