Frog Hat Club

The ongoing adventures of a group of new D&D players in their first game


Your presence has awakened the defenses of the Dissian Catacombs. Between you and safety lies adeadly labyrinth, full of monsters, dead ends, traps, obstructions and secret passages. But you haveno time for caution -– a djinn is pursuing you in a whirlwind of sand, thunder and lightning. Each of you must successfully reach the exit 500ft away without being caught, or risk death fighting your way free.

The chase is resolved ininitiative order, but the party may choose this order at the start of the labyrinth; the party’s pursuers will go last.

On your turn, you must RESOLVE ENCOUNTERS, NAVIGATE, and MOVE. If you haven’t yet escaped, you must now roll for an EVENT.

RESOLVE ENCOUNTERS. You may find yourself engaged in combat while racing through the maze. Ifso, you must resolve the combat encounter before you can continue, either by defeating orincapacitating your enemies or by disengaging.

NAVIGATION. Make a WIS check to determine which way to go. The DC for NAVIGATION checks starts at15; each successful check lowers the DC by one for the next party member (to a minimum of 10). Eachfailure raises the DC by 1 (to a maximum of 20). You can substitute any skill in which you areproficient provided you can justify how it helps you navigate the maze.

MOVE. If you succeeded your NAVIGATION check, take up to your full movement plus your DASH towards the exit. Subtract this amount from 500; if your distance from the exit reaches zero, you have escaped!

EVENTS. Roll a d8 on the EVENT Table and resolve it:

  1. Encounter. Begin your next turn in combat (DM will specify the enemy)
  2. Encounter. Begin your next turn in combat (DM will specify the enemy)
  3. Obstruction. Make a DC 12 STR (Athletics or Acrobatics) saving throw or move in difficult terrain on your next turn.
  4. Drop An Item. Make a DC 12 WIS saving throw to see if you notice what you drop.
  5. Hazard. Make a DC 12 DEX saving throw or take damage (DM will roll)
  6. Trip. Make a DC 12 DEX saving throw or start your next turn prone
  7. No EVENT
  8. No EVENT
ACT. If you successfully resolved your EVENT (ie, rolled a 3, 4, 5 or 6 and succeeded in your saving throw, or rolled a 7 or 8), you now have 3 seconds to announce an action you wish to take, if any. This can be any action you would normally be capable of in initiative order, or one of the following special assists:

Check for clues. Make a DC12 INT (Investigation) check (or substitute any appropriateproficiency, at the DM’s discretion). On success, lower the DC of the NAVIGATION check by 1 (to a minimum of 10)

Find a shortcut. Make a DC12 INT (Investigation) check (or substitute any appropriateproficiency, at the DM’s discretion). On success, all party members move an extra 100 feet closer tothe exit on their next successful NAVIGATION check.

GETTING CAUGHT. The djinn will move on its turn towards the party. If it gets to within 30ft of any party member, they are now in combat and must resolve the encounter before continuing.